*CEU Class*
Instructor: Samelia Jones & Ashley Reid, Child Development Specialists with CCRI, Inc.
Does your classroom provide a positive, inclusive environment for all children? Do you know what an inclusive environment looks like and whit it includes? This session will provide participants with information pertaining to relevant laws, policies and research-based practices that support the successful inclusion of all children in early childhood settings. (.5 CEUs/5 DCDEE contact hours) $25.00 *Register and pay for this training at www.childcareresourcesinc.org *
Meets in the Partnership Meeting Room
ON THE WEB: Visit http://www.childcareresourcesinc.org to view, register, and pay for the trainings or call (704) 376-6697
By MAIL or IN-PERSON at: Child Care Resources, Inc. 4600 Park Road, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28209